Work / Strengths 

Work Experience 

I have had many work experiences; my first experience started at 11 years old, volunteering at a gas station to pump gas and wash windows for tips. This helped me learn customer service and sales. After doing this for three years, I started working as a host at a local hotel restaurant, which was an excellent opportunity to learn about the customer service industry. Furthermore, I started my own business, The Dump Boy, a junk removal service. I started this business in the summer of 2022. It was a great challenge and helped me learn how to hire, manage, operate, and market a business. After one semester at college, I transitioned into the workforce, specializing in sales. I piloted a sales position at Cornerstone Caregiving, an in-home care agency. My title was Lead Development Specialist and Recruitment Associate. This opportunity helped grow my understanding of the market and my insight into sales. I have had many work experiences and am excited to see what lies ahead.