
Spiritual Journey 

Many people can pinpoint the moment they put their faith and trust in the Lord. My story is different. Growing up in a Christian family, faith in the Lord was modeled for and instilled in my nine siblings and me from birth. My parents baptized me as an infant, accepting the responsibility and committing to raise me as a man of God. Because I've been raised in a family with eyes so intently on Jesus, I have put my trust in Him as my Lord and Savior for as long as I can remember.

While my family and upbringing helped lay the foundation of my faith, I recognize that a personal relationship with our Creator is personal. My faith became truly my own while experiencing two weeks at Kanakuk Kamp after my freshman year. The speakers and counselors clearly had Jesus shining in and through them. The Lord made Himself truly known to me there. So, while I don’t have that “moment” that many do, my time at Kanakuk solidified my faith and helped me to truly understand and experience a personal relationship with Jesus. 

Today, my relationship with Jesus is the core of who I am. I experience Him through relationships, His Word, intentional time with Him, and His creation. God gave me faith that motivates me to prioritize time with family and choose like-minded friends who also follow Jesus. The gifts of relationships, the Bible, and creation help me to connect with and trust Jesus in a world full of distractions. My faith allows me to find peace, acceptance, value, and security in Jesus and not in the world.